Nancy Foster
Oil paintings
Representation oil painting has always resonated with me; I love being transported to a different place and time by viewing works of others. All types of subject matter interest me: still life, portrait, figure and landscape. I am inspired by the way light illuminates a subject and brings it to life, by the character I perceive in an inanimate object, by the way colors contrast and play off one another, by a reflection in metal or water, by a model’s expression or his/her character and by the beauty in nature. When painting a portrait, I enjoy the challenge of getting a likeness.
I regularly oil paint from life in order to train my eye, which captures light and depth differently than a camera. As much as possible, I work from the inside out and concentrate on connecting clean, crisp brushstrokes. I always try to think in colors, shapes and values as opposed to things. For me, this process takes discipline and I love to see an image emerge. My hope is that my paintings convey a feeling of place and emotion as I have witnessed them.
My educational background was in engineering, however, I was always interested in painting. I have continually endeavored to learn to paint by studying with leading artists (David Leffel, Rose Franzen, Huihan Liu, Mark Boedges, Ken Auster, John Poon, Tony Ryder and others), reading, watching videos and experimenting. Mike Desatnick has been a particular influence. My goal is to continue to learn and grow as an artist.
Phone: 970-749-2820
Instagram: @nlynnfoster